For the taste of them: fresh fruit and vegetables

Apr 19, 2010

After watching the Jamie Oliver show "Food Revolution," I have made some pretty significant changes in my own life and how my family eats. Even though I've lost my weight since having my surgery, eating vegetables and fruits were a "have to" eat in order to maintain my weight.  I enjoyed salads (lettuce) and a very limited select few vegetables.  Fruits were one of those things that when you dieted you had to eat in exchange for cookies, cake, donuts and pies.  In that comparison, fruit never came close to a Snickers bar.

Produce has changed from a "have to" now to a "want to."  My body is much happier when I eat veggies and fruit.  There is no Krispy Kreme more delicious than a big, naturally sweet strawberry.  Instead of focusing on the caloric content and talking myself into eating them but not enjoying them, I look for recipes that incorporate produce rather than omit them. 

Okay, get this - my family went on a drive this weekend.  We stopped in a little grocery store to get some munchies.  Instead of the usual junky crap fare, we bought a vegetable platter and shared it.  It was awesome!! 

I've had a real switch in my mindset.  At 9 years post-op, I've finally developed a love of fresh product.  Not because of the caloric bargain they are but how they make my body feel.  When I compare the way I feel after eating something not-so-healthy to a piece of fruit or some veggies, there is NO comparison.  It is another way that I nurture myself too.  Doing good things for my body makes me feel happy knowing I am taking care of myself.

Who would have thought all of this from a television show and a fresh veggie platter from a country store?



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