1 is too many - 1,000 is not enough

May 03, 2010

1 is too many - 1,000 is not enough....I say this to myself many times when I am facing down a trigger food.  I know myself well enough if the conditions are just right for emotional eating (boredom, feeling like a victim to some sort of circumstances) that I have to put my guard up and protect myself.  Protect myself from the trigger food and downward spiral of emotional overeating. 

Some people can eat just one of something.....if I am feeling one of my trigger emotions, I know that 1 will be too many and 1,000 won't be enough.  I can't even eat 1 or even 1 bite.  That may sound limiting or restrictive to some people but not to me.  The knowledge and awareness of myself in this way is actually very empowering.  Just like Superman was powerful to all things except kryptonite, I know my kryptonites and I don't go there. 

Last night I was irritated, annoyed and one of my trigger situations was going on.  I was thinking that I would just have "a bite" so this saying came to my mind.  Just "a bite" sounds so harmless yet that bite, for me, under the right circumstances can lead to my saying of that bite is too many and 1,000 is not enough.  In fact, a few years ago when I regained 30 pounds, it started out with just a bite.  That bite led to many more (more than 1,000!!!) to a weight regain.  Thankfully, I lost that weight regain but gained a very valuable lesson of 1 is too many - 1,000 is not enough. 

One of my strategies to combat emotional eating is to know my kryptonites, stay in control and remember that 1 is too many - 1,000 is not enough.


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