Here We Go Again

Oct 16, 2013

    Well, its 10/16/2013.  We are less than three weeks away from surgery.  A major positive change in our future.  I must say that I am very excited not only to be having the surgery, but also to be having it the same day as my best friend, my love, the man I chose to spend eternity with.  I have been counting down the days.  Spending each day supporting one another in continuing our pre-surgery diet.  I couldn't imagine going through this alone.

    All that being said, once again, here we go again.  This morning Ron woke up with major pain in his leg, shivering despite being hot, and generally not feeling good.  This isn't the first time that he has done this.  It's not new, we have gone through many times before.  In fact, the last time was in January 2013.  He went into the E.R, and let them know of his upcoming surgery, and they decided to keep him, and run all possible tests to make sure he's cleared up for surgery.  His diagnosis is once again, cellulitis.  They have put him on a heart monitor, an ultrasound of the legs to check for blood clots, and a ct scan to check for blood clots in the lungs.  He said he was feeling better tonight, despite of a low bp topping out at 99/54. 

     Tensions have been running high today, with so many unknowns.  I called the bariatric surgeon and spoke to the nurse about Ron's untimely stay at the hospital.  I (we) were assured if Ron is able to get rid of this by next Wednesday that the surgery will still be a go for him.  I was told though that he would have to continue on his diet at the hospital.  I spoke with the nurse about putting him on the bariatric diet and why (They do those surgeries at this hospital as well.), and I was rewarded with the nurse telling me he needed protein.  I told her, "We are on protein.  We need a 100 grams a day."  She agreed to speak with his dr. about it. (This is not the hospital we are having the surgery at.  We are having it three hours away at a center of excellence.)  Well, hopefully, this too will pass quickly, and surgery will still be a go. 

       I have to say, the stress of it all almost caved me; however, I bypassed the McDonalds and stuck to my diet.  It helped that when I was choosing to try to ignore my diet, my son was with me.  He was my deterrent, as I'm not sure if I would have chosen to stick to it tonight.  I really need to reprogram my brain that food is not a stress reliever. I need to come up with a better solution if I am going to keep this off in the long run.



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Surgery Date
Sep 28, 2013
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