5/6/12 - Home from the Riverside with a detour ...

Jul 22, 2012

It was a good news, strange news kind of appointment.

Firstly, it wasn't what I'd been told, or what I think I'd been told. It wasn't another cardiac test/procedure, it was a meeting with an internist to review my health status.

That was the good news.

The strange news, and it has me rattled, is the result of the cardiac tests from two weeks ago -- the results were "abnormal" and I'm being referred to a cardiologist. I'm asymptomatic, but the chemical stress test resuits showed that an area at the front of my heart is "slightly stressed". ECG is normal, pumping action of the heart is normal, blood pressure is only slightly elevated, just this one area of the heart shows something odd when the photographs were taken with the isotope tracer.

So, it's a sideways trip to a cardiologist ... I have had some problems in the past with beta blockers, so we don't want to be using them, nor do we want to increase my statins, as I react badly to more than the minimum dose.

Back to good news -- the rest of me is in pretty good shape, considering the condition I'm in. *grin*

A sideways trip to the cardiologist, the other medical things keep moving on.

Worried? Yes. Can I do anything?  No.

I see my endocrinologist tomorrow -- have to work on getting my A1C down (from 8.1 to below 7.5).

Thanks for listening ...


