11/3/12 - out of date order - Another reminder of why I need WL

Aug 04, 2012

I had a folding chair collapse under me last night, sitting with two friends and thirteen strangers playing euchre at a house party.  Thump! No warning from the chair, just me on my large buttocks, on the floor.

It was embarrasing, particularly the struggle to pretend it really hadn't hurt (and it did and does, like an SOB).  Then the struggle to get up.

So, yet one more thing to put on my list of "remember those times?" when I, too, post-surgery, may question "what the heck have I done".

I'm stiff, sore and more committed than ever to this long, long process.

It's March, and it's now eight months since my orientation at the Ottawa Civic, and they said eight to nine months, so I'm hanging in there, waiting patiently to be called for my first appointments.

And, next year?  at the annual euchre tournament?   I might not break a chair.

Thanks for listening to my whine.

