12/4/12 - out of date order - I have a consultation with Dr. Wi

Aug 04, 2012

Monica called me this morning. 

I'm sick at home with a cold so was here to receive the call.  I've been working on a casual assignment with the government since mid February and have been phoning home three to four times daily to check my voice messages.  The *first* day I take off sick I get the call from the hospital.  Who would have thought it.

Anyway, I have an appointment for Thursday, May 10 with Dr. Wicklum for a consultation.  I will be receiving a new blood test requisition (because apparently they are not using the ones they handed out nine months ago anymore), an ECG requisiton and a "brown" questionnaire (as opposed to another colour?)), all in the mail. 

I asked about the steps after the consultation (nurse, etc.) and was told that it depends on the results of the consultation and if I am deemed OK for surgery (health, age (! my huge concern, at 63), etc.

Have any other Ottawa people done the consultation first, then the appointments? 

I'm so pleased ... :)


