7/12/11- Pre-op (out of date order)

Aug 04, 2012

I have type II diabetes;  I've been fretting (I'm a *great* fretter), for the past two weeks since my last appointment with my endocrinologist.  My numbers a month ago were not good and at that time she asked me to try a new regime of adding daily mealtime insulin, at a minimal dose.  I already use long acting Lantus insulin at bedtime.I did that for two weeks and saw her two weeks ago today.  I hadn't been doing well with it, but in the meantime I had started using my newly-prescribed CPAP machine.

I asked for two more weeks, without daytime insulin, to see if the CPAP machine would be helpful in bringing my numbers in to better control.

Well!  I saw my endocrinologist this morning, at the Riverside Hospital, and ... tada!  My numbers, without daytime insulin are now *down*, really down, and my blood pressure is well-reduced too.  She's very happy with what I've done (thank you CPAP!) and *happy sigh* I do not have to use daytime insulin.  

She's also supportive of my WLS process and says my numbers are good enough that I'll meet the OCH's requirements for in-control blood glucose numbers.

I'm a happy woman and wanted to share with people who will understand that happiness.


Cheers, all!

