29/8/12 - Chin up but morale is low

Aug 29, 2012

I met with Dr. Shiau at the Ottawa WMC yesterday, for what I thought was to receive the results of the four cardiac tests I've had since May.

I have one partial artery blockage and some calcification of the heart, but does not need to be operated on. It is within acceptable limits for weight loss surgery. (whew!) I now have another appointment on October 2 at the Riverside to discuss the results of all the heart tests with the internist there.
  I also have another appointment with the Weight Management Clinic in two weeks. My blood glucose is too high right now for weight loss surgery, so that has to be changed over the next several weeks/months.  My A1C from last week is 8.4, it must be 7.5 or below for the surgery to occur.

Dr. Shiau reminded me that three people out of seven hundred have died at the Civic since they started WLS there.  She does not want me to be another one (please forgive my bitterness when I say, that I, right now, curse their statistics).  There's a medical coldness ...

Two other things concern me -- I called the Merivale Medical Imaging clinic to follow up on the missing results of my abdominal ultrasound (not in my file when I met with Dr. Wicklum).   MMI refaxed them while I was on the phone;  yesterday, no record in my file.   Losing important pieces of paper at the WMC is not encouraging to me.

Second?  I was not told that I needed to return to the Riverside for the interpretation of the test results.   A case of the right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing?   It's (bitterness, alert) making me question the reliability of the whole process.   

I am disappointed with this delay but I am not giving up; weeks/months of delay in exchange for a life enhancing surgery?
I've got to stick it through.

Colour me discouraged and unhappy.

Has anyone mentioned the emotional component to obesity?  Yeah, right. I thought so.  This pity party will last only the rest of today, I promise. 

