Snoopy Danceing

Jul 01, 2010

Welcome to July Ladies and Gentlemen.  Where has this year gone?  Heck were has this week gone. In the past 7 days I've some pretty cool Snoopy dance moments.

On Tuesday I had my second apt with my Food Therapist.  Last session he'd asked me to create a food log which I knew that I'd be doing for the Nutritionist as well.  So I meet the challenge head on.  I logged everything, what time, made notes as to why I was eating, and how hungry I was.  It actually pointed a couple of things out to me in just that seven day period.  (HUmmm... got to get those cookies out of the house.)  It especially helped that I started it two days prior to seeing the Nutritionist as she was able to help point me in the direction of some healthy options.  Including Greek yogurt and mixing up my snacks to include higher protein with the carbs to make the time between hunger pains longer.  

I'd never heard of Greek yogurt and while I've only tired one brand at this point I really like the texture and flavors.  But WOW did it make a difference in my morning routine.  In just those couple of days that I've used it it's make a huge impact on my calorie intact.  I find that by the time lunch rolls around I'm not looking to eat my own arm.

SO back to my Food Therapist apt.  He was said he was very impressed with what I'd shown him and combined with what we've talked about in just the two sessions he feels that there should be no problem giving me the letter for Surgery at the End of July.  Which is only 2 more visits.  He didn't feel that I should feel that I should have been put onto the 6 eval. track that I was.  Which means I'm not crazy people!!!!  It vindifies how I felt originally.I fully anticipate using this Tool to it's fullest capacity and said that since I have the Insurance authorization I'd probably still use all the 6 visit.  Hey I might as well, right.  It gets me out of my office for a bit, allows me to talk about the whole process without worrying about what someone is thinking.  And who knows what other things will come up while I go threw this.

Today I had my EGD.  Another check mark complete on my list of doctors appointment & things that need to be accomplished.  My throat is killing me but the results were good on the visual inspection and a biopsy of the stomach lining was taken.  I'm pretty much spent the entire day since sleeping. The Hubbs was wonderful.  We got up at 5:30 so we could get the hospital by 7 and we were home by 11am.  I'd forgotten how bad getting and IV was.  That was most defiantly the worst part of the whole experience.  I hate telling someone you have a fear of needles and they just brush it off telling you just breath you'll be fine.  Well when they couldn't get the vein and starting rummaging, that was the end of the beginning.  Then they eventually gave up and went for the other hand!!!!  HOLY C***!!  I lost it, hyperventilating and crying.  Yes, I've had much more painful things happen to my body but veins and me... Well lets just say I have nightmares about them.  I can't explain it.  It's a phobia.  Why couldn't the guy have listened to me....  Ick I'm getting weirded out just re-thinking about it.

So I'll end on my high note... since trying to make the behavior modifications & learning how to pouch eat : chewing the hell out my food, not drinking with a meal and increasing protein, as well as eating it first.  I've been able to see the scale slowly move down.  Since April I've lost about 12lbs.  As of this morning I had a second day in a row of being under 300lbs for the first time several years.  I currently way less than I did on my wedding day!!!!!!!


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Surgery Date
Jun 11, 2010
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