mindful eating

Jul 29, 2010

Learning new rules I am I am I am.. "oh Sam I am".  I've been challenged this week by my Food Therapist to increase my level of Mindful Eating.  I've been becoming more and more aware of things with using the Food diary.  So my challenge for this week it to clean off my kitchen table so that I can sit and eat with no distractions.   (Chuckle)

My table, such that it is, is a teeny bit-o furniture in a small wee kitchen.  It seems to be a catch all for everything.  I just cleared my self a spot to eat my "green eggs and ham" and founds all kinds of odd items, including but not limited to a swiffer, a handful of change, random pill bottles and other detritus that accumulates from daily life of a couple of DINK's.

The Hubs and I work different schedules so it's unfortunate that we only Irregularly share meals.  Generally one tends to join the other on the couch with what ever they've decieded to munch on. Now my husband doesn't have a weight issue he's a lean "Thing 1".  Since I'm working on becoming a lean "Thing 2" , I was off to the kitchen to eat and contemplete the yumminess of my food. 

Wish me luck.


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Jun 11, 2010
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