just a little off track

Feb 07, 2011

This morning I weighed in.  I was dissapointed but not overly surprised that I've stayed the same weight for the last two weeks.  Between the rough PMS & period, the lack of excerise and slacking on the my food log I'm in a position where I need to check myself.  I'm not far enough out to coast.  I have to work my tool.  I can say that I'm adding everything up in my head but it's easy to get side tracked and not account for all my bites of food or not reach my H2O and protein goals for the day.

So I've set out to break my mini-stall with re-assesment of my food log, lots of H2O and a Zumba class.  There was no reason to prohibit me from going tonight. (I don't drive in Snow or Icy Condition)  And boy am I glad I went.  I feel so GOOD.  I have to remember on those days when I don't feel like it just how wonderful I'll feel after the fact.  The food logging helped me make a good and educated dinner choice so I could round out my protein and veggie for the day. 


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Jun 11, 2010
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