Am I the ONLY one?

Apr 18, 2010

Just a thought but have you ever felt as though you are the only one in the world going through something. Is it self PITY or just another chance to see that you are really in need of help with your own BATTLE.. I call it my BATTLE because it is something I have tried time after time to do and just when I feel at my TOPS something comes along to bring me back.. I am really Hoping to GET on track with this... I really want to do the consultation and see what i need to do and how far i really need to push myself... so i ask am i the ONLY one.. am i the only one who eats when i am BORED.. am i the only one who has a great meal but sometime along 8:30-9:00 i begin to get this EMPTY feeling.. any suggestions? am i the ONLY one.. its not just a BATTLE of weight loss it is for my health as well as my happiness? am i the ONLY one?


About Me
Fort Gay, WV
Apr 18, 2010
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