Wow!! I'm really here, in Mexico!

Apr 04, 2010

A little bit of drama this morning. I spent the night at mom and dad's since we were leaving at 3:30, got halfway to the airport and realized I didn't have the cashiers check to pay for the surgery!!! Panic moment.  Luckily, the kids were with grandma and Craig got the check and hauled a@@ to the airport. He seriously made time and I got one last hug, so that was the silver lining.

Well, mom and I made it to Hermosillo, Mexico. We flew to Atlanta and the flight was great. We jumped right on the train to go to our next flight. This flight was far less crowded and they played movies and the plane's temperature was great.  We had a four hour lay over in Phoenix and I mostly watched movies. For some reason, I was really hungry today, much more than the other four days.  Finally we flew to Hermosillo. Luz was there to pick us up and a very nice worker pulled our 6 monstrous pieces of luggage all the way to Luz's car. 

I realized I know FAR less Spanish than I thought. I was always under the impression that I could 'make do' in Mexico and I was very wrong!! Luckily, Luz checked us in and got everything ready for the morning. Then mom and I went to the Cafeteria for dinner. I was ECSTATIC they had BOTH jello and soup.  After not having anything to eat for days, that broth was a four course meal to me!  Going to bed with a full tummy! Also, Luz told me Dr. Ungson is taking out my gallbladder because problems were almost guarranteed. She also recommended taking out the appendix so that if I ever have a pain in my stomach, they will know its not my gallbladder and appendix and can handle what is going on with my actual stomach.

Talked to Craig and dad on Skype. Everyone is doing fine but I thinke everyone is getting nervous. My surgery is at 11am (2pm back home) and Luz is picking us up at 8am.  Hopefully, I'll be in a hosipital room by 6 or so.

I can tell by my spelling and typing that getting up at 3:30 and arriving at 7pm is catching up with me.

Fingers crossed.


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Surgery Date
Mar 26, 2008
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