I Had Surgery? But I Feel Great! (10/5/2004)

Oct 04, 2004

Now at 3.5 weeks out, I feel wonderful for the most part. Most days, if I didn't have any scars, I feel as if nothing ever happened. Although since moving to soft foods at the end of last week, I'm experiencing some nausea. Called doctor's office and nurse told me to move back to full liquids till tomorrow evening and call by Thursday so we can rule out a stricture. I'm hoping it's just because my renovated tummy is having trouble remembering solid foods. 

All in all, this has been a positive experience and I wake up every day excited with my "new" life. Every time I pass a milestone weight I think "Well I'll never be ***# again...YAY!!!" My family and friends all remark at how much healthier I look even though I'm no where near being non-MO. I've also been told that I have a sparkle back in my eye...and why not??? I've been given a new life!! September is now the month of both my births...the original on Sept. 3rd and my second on Sept. 10th!

