Initial Consultation

Aug 01, 2014

Well i had my initial consultation for weight loss surgery today. But i did hit some bumps in the road. A) I have to reach a BMI of 50 before surgery. B) Insurance stipulations i have to wait until i have been employed 5 years with the company before they will cover and I just reached 4 years. C) Next follow up visit with them is 08/03/2015.

But even though i hit some rough spots, I didnt let it spoil my goals/dreams. the doctor did give me a diet plan that i need to follow to help with weight loss which is cool and the good news is i have a year to get to a BMI of 50, which would put me at 300 lbs. My current weight upon visit was 423.8 lbs... i wanted to cry when i saw it but it also put alot of things into perspective too. 1 year to get to 300 lbs..... very obtainable goal!!!

Today starts the journey to a new me!!!!!!

