What? No blog this week?

Jun 26, 2007

Of course there is...just a little late and not a whole lot to say, that's all. I have been doing great keeping this thing updated each week, almost always on Mondays. But, truthfully, there just isn't much for me to say this week. 
Weightloss is going fine..down to 181 since Monday. Eating? Eh...some days great, some not so great. I am still making pretty good choices, but I think that my head gets in the way and I get scared that I may eat too much, So, I perhaps sometimes I actually talk myself out of eating for fear that I will lose control somehow. Anyway, I am working on the head part...and I assume that I always will have to work on it.
Summer has hit Sacramento. It. Is. Hot.
I am now officially enrolled in my A&P class, tuition payed for the fall semester and all. I am also enrolled in a "Wellness" class for fall online at another college. It fulfills the one lame unit required for PE. It could surprise me and actually be interesting. We'll see. I still have to buy A&P books and a parking pass. In the meantime I intend on enjoying every second of my summer off before all of that school craziness sets in again.

I did it...

Jun 13, 2007

I hacked my hair completely off!! Tomorrow it will get highlighted, but today I just had base color put on. Well, no going back now...it's all gone! The funny thing is that the last two days it seems like the loss has slowed down quite a bit, but it is still pretty thin. I went through with cutting it anyway. I'll put up new pics as soon as the color is finished. I haven't had my hair this short since Forrest was a year old...OMG...I was 22 years old! Yikes.

Moving, food, and such things

Jun 04, 2007

Okay, so things are moving slowly as of late. I am not really discouraged or worried yet, but it is somewhat of a disappointment not to lose 3, 4, or 5 pounds a week like I would like to have happen. Such is life...and to be truthful with myself, I know that things are moving the way that they do for most post-ops at my point in the game. 
As for exercise, I have started a purposeful exercise routine consisting of walking/running on the treadmill at varying inclines for at least 30 minutes, every other day. This is followed by lifting weights for my arms and doing squats to tone the rump and the thighs. On the off days I try to get out and do something active out the yard for a couple of hours a day. This could mean yardwork, washing and vacuuming the pickup (Dodge Ram Mega Cab so it takes forever!!!!!) from top to bottom, cleaning the garage, you get the idea. Anyway, we'll see how this helps with the loss. 
And now on to food...my nemesis. I have days that I feel like I could eat everything in sight (though I don't!), and others where I don't even like hearing the "F" word. I am eating pretty similarly to the beginning diet after solid foods are allowed. I don't eat bread, pasta would be quite rare to pass my lips, and most carbs are just too dangerous for me to test. They have always been a trigger food for me...I can't afford to go there anymore. 
I eat a lot of shrimp, eggs sometimes, chicken depending on the preparation, ground beef, pot roast and stew meat because they are so tender, no pork because it just sounds gross to me now. Cheese is good, as is plain yogurt with frozen fruit mixed in. I seem to be fine with ff milk since I use it to make my protein shakes, but I have never liked milk plain as a drink so nothing has changed about that. 
For snacks I measure out (yep, I still measure most things) portions of cashews, roasted soy nuts, or TJ's BBQ Soy Crisps (my fav snack!). I also use a lot of South Beach Diet Products for snacks and sometimes meals. Oh my...I can't forget my standby....sf popsicles!! I buy lots and lots of these little suckers.  Drinks usually consist of ice water, green tea (iced or hot), Crystal Light, mint tea with diet hot cocoa added (YUMMY!!!!), and occasionally V8 with a few drops of tabasco. Haven't tried soda or alcohol since a couple of months before surgery...but I do miss my Pepsi One!!!!
Overall, I am doing my best to keep to the original plan set by my surgeon. I don't know when or if I will veer off track, but for now I am okay with how things are on a daily basis. My weightloss is fine, but of course I always want it to be more and faster. I keep trying to remind myself that I am just past the 4 month mark and that I should expect things to slow down to a more normal pace. At this point, I am about 37 pounds from my goal of 150. If and when I make it there I will see if 5, 10, or more pounds would be prudent to try for...I kind of doubt it, though. I think that a tummy tuck at 150 would make me a happy girl. That, and if my hair will quit falling out in handfuls soon. I think I need to cut it all off...it is getting dangerously thin. At least if it is short I can tease it or mess it up to avoid the widening part in my hair now-lol!

About Me
Elk Grove, CA
Surgery Date
Dec 10, 2006
Member Since

Friends 180

Latest Blog 3
What? No blog this week?
I did it...
Moving, food, and such things
