Pre-op Stuff Complete!

Jan 26, 2012

I had my last appointment with my surgeon.  I did all my check in suff at the hospital.  They took my blood :-(.  I didn't have to pay the 250 dollars that I was told that I would have to pay at the time of my surgery.  Maybe it was a decudtible (and I've definitely met that threshold with all the preop stuff I had to do with therapist visits, nutritionist visits, surgeon visits, pre-op testing visits)...Either way I didn't have to pay anything extra :-)

I'm really glad for the thorough work-up pre-op.  I'm kind of finding out that I didn't really have a clue about how badly things were progressing with my weight.  I had an echo some years ago.  My heart was fine.  Now all of a sudden, I have tricuspid valve regurgitation...I've been treated for hypertension since I was 27.  I'm guessing that the hypertension was starting to take it's toll.

I found out today that I have reflux.  I was completely unaware of this.  I eat spicy stuff all the time.  I've never realy felt like I have a problem with this, but I have it.

Left unchecked, were I to just continue on with my weight as is, I might be looking at a future of some serious health complications...I'm 34!!!  and I consider myself to be a healthy 34 year old.  I work out, I like foods that are good for me....

I'm just glad to be going in on 2/1, and getting this surgery done.  Looking forward to a whole new healthier me.


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Surgery Date
Aug 31, 2011
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