A Rumbling In My Tummy

Jan 31, 2012

Started the clear liquids/bowel prep today.  Nothing but clear liquids starting at midnight last night, 2 Dulcolax at 3pm today, 1st 8 oz glass of gatorade mixed with Miralax at 5pm today.  I'm to drink 1 glass every 15 minutes.....I've had surgery before, so I've gad to do bowel prep.  This is by far the least disguting bowel prep I've ever done.  Miralax is flavorless, so for the most part, all I taste is Gatorade.  I can tell that something's been done to my drink, but finishing this doesn't feel like some grand hardship.  I am a little intimidated by the volume that I am to drink though.  64oz is a lot.  Just finishing up glass #2.  I might be disgusted by the time I get done.  I hear the rumbling sounds in my tummy already.

I'm not scared, or particularly nervous about tomorrow.  I have been praying about it everytime the thought and visualization of being in the hospital comes to mind.  I feel good.  I just keep visualizing a slimmer me.  I'm wondering how I'm going to dress.  I want to make sure that my look is sexy, but classy, and professional when it needs to be.  Gotta make sure that I remain a positive role model for my daughter in the way that I dress.  I'm so excited about shopping for nice things and not have it be such a chore. 

On another topic, I recently went to another level with one of my girlfriends at work (you know how you have some friends that are just work friends, well we've now hung out outside of work).  She got married, and she and her husband eloped.  I was wondering why she was being so secretive about the whole thing.  I thought it might be because she is black and her husband is white....I was hoping that that was not the case, because her event is one to be celebrated, and I'm so very happy for her.  So another girlfriend of mine (who I am already on an outside of work level with) and I, took her out to Maggiano's, and we had a little bridal shower for her, complete with best wishes toasts, and raunchy wedding night gifts...

I was so amazed by the story that poured out of her mouth.  She's always so happy, and she smiles all of the time, she's beautiful, and she's so friendly.  This girl told me that she has basically been miserable at the job for the past couple years.  She's been bullied by these girl cliques (at work....with grown people), because some childish, girl, drama, nonsense went on, so the young girls on her team are really mean to her.  This all happened before I started working there, of course. 

Anyway, long story short, she gave me a 'thank you' card today that almost made me cry.  I'm always someone who is organizing things to celebrate the lives of the people that I work with.  It's not a big deal to me.  I just get excited for people.  You have a baby, I'm going to pass a card and collect money, so you can get something nice for the baby, or diapers, or something.  You have a birthday, graduate from some program, get married, I want to say congratulations, it's just who I am.  Just the idea that it made that much of a difference to her in her life made me feel good, because she has really been going through a tough time, and I sat right next to her, and did not have a clue.  I got promoted, so I moved to a different floor, I didn't realize what I really was to her while I sat there.  The moral here for me, as that you truly never know how that smile, or that cheerful 'hello' will impact someone that's going through a tough time.  I'm so glad to be me!  I'm happy to bring her closer into my crew/work family, because the people that I work with are AWESOME!....but now she's inviting me to things, and I don't know how quickly I will be able to get myself up and running, and I haven't told anyone about my surgery, so I feel kind of bad, because I'm kind of brushing her off.

I gotta come up with something that's honest, let's her know that I think she's cool, and let's her know that I will hang out with her in the future....just not right now.  We'll see how that goes.

But back to me...finishing up glass number 5 :-)

I'm feeling so full right now!

I'm going to go wash some clothes, because I won't be able to do much of that when I get home.

Maybe I should have called this one random musings....oh well, read at your own risk :-)


About Me
Surgery Date
Aug 31, 2011
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