Finally Starting to Move

Feb 29, 2012

Well, my scale is finally starting to move (in small increments) in the right direction.

My pants are definitely not fitting the same, and people are starting to notice...I still haven't achieved a major weight loss, which is fine, of course (for now).  Just happy to see the scale starting to move.

I've had some ups and some downs.  I went through a couple of days where nothing stayed down.  Then my daughter cooked me some chicken, and things have been going well for me ever since.  I think I truly understand the meaning of 'angry pouch' days.  

When I couldn't hold anything down, I was kind of miserable.  Not because I couldn't have food to taste, but I was feeling a little weak, because I wasn't getting my protein, frustrated, because I knew I had to get the protein, and just down about the fact that I was trying really hard to get the protein in, but it just wasn't staying down.  Felt kind of impotent.

My relationship with food is definitely going through some changes, maybe not permanent, I'm not sure, but I really don't even want to eat a lot of times.  I make sure that I eat, and take my vits, and drink water everyday (I may miss a day here or there on the weekend), but I try really hard to do what I'm supposed to do, because I don't want to just all of a sudden find myself in a bad way, because I didn't do what I know I have to do to take care of myself.

One of my girlfriends had a party at work.  I, all of a sudden, found myself delegated to cut the cake....I didn't even recognize that this should maybe be a tough/tempting chore for me until I got done slicing, and the girl is like 'you don't want any?'  I realized that I really didn't want any...I had a little icing on my hands.  I felt like 'ewww, get this stuff off of me.'  I was wiping it off with napkins, and went immediately to the bathroom to wash my hands.

I had the head hunger when I came home from the hospital and after being locked onto liquids and soft foods, but right now, there is really nothing at all that I am craving.  No food that I want terribly badly. 

Feeling good right now :-)



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