Long Process , Hard Decision , But Made the Right One I Think

Jul 21, 2011

This Weight Loss Surgery thing has been a long thought out process for me , I changed my mind once just about the time I had every thing completed and even had a surgery date of May the 10Th 2011.  Then right at the last minute I had second thoughts, changed my mind and cancelled my surgery altogether.   

Pre surgery I was so sure it was a done deal, that I had told every one and even signed onto Obesityhelp.org started my account, started a blog, posted all my stats ,made a few friends on here and in my mind at the time I was ready to do this and excited about it.  Had all my appointments finished and that surgery date in hand.    But then that date got close and those tacos , burritos and Chinese food were slipping further and further away .  I was worried , a bit afraid and frankly it just hit me that I just wasn't ready to do this.


A month or so went by, I ate , I gained more weight, I felt bad , even worse as the days went by and I realized that cancelling my surgery was a BIG mistake.    So I sent DR. Burphee's assistant "Pattie" an email and requested that we get this thing done even though there were still doubts in my mind.

She immediately responded with a list of dates for me to choose from and I immediately became undecided about the surgery. I picked a date any way and sent her an email. Well she sent one back and said oops Dr. Burphee wasn't going to be available then how about a week earlier instead.  I looked at the calender and determined that if I did that date then I would be in the middle of my pre-surgery diet over the July 4Th holidays, Oh man I thought how sukie is that gonna be. No Hot Dogs, apple pie, bratwurst on the 4Th.  NO WAY IN , Just no, I couldn't do that.   I told her so and she understood , told me what to do and we worked it out so i could go ahead and set July 12TH as the date and get my presurgical diet started on June 28TH, Yes that was gonna mean dieting over the holidays but I did it any way and was once again on my way to being a third of the man I was.

The 28TH of June rolled around and I started the day with a weigh in.  So first thing that morning I did what so many of us on here have done . I stripped down to my birthday suit and stepped on the scale.  Thank God it's digital  and not mechanical ,so I didn't have to stand there and watch that little pointer bounce back and fourth from number to number until it finally decided to stop.  I just looked down at those dark little digits that steadly climbed from 0 to 100, 200, 300, and then finally stopped at 308# even.

I was startled and Pleased at the same time, startled because I weighed so much but pleased because I weighed less than I thought I would.   Day 1 , weight noted, picture taken, diet started. Wooo HOOOO !!!!!    I was on my way to being happy, healthy, and skinny enough to fit into clothes I could buy off the rack at any store in the world.     Man what a feeling. !!   

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Jul 17, 2011
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