Some NSV's

Mar 17, 2011

Haven't been blogging like I should.  So here are some updates on my progress. 
- Broke down and bought new jeans 2 weeks ago.  Size 22 ( a little snug).  Down from a very tight 24.  Now the new jeans are a little lose in the waist.
- Attended my 1st class at Bally's.  Straight Up STEP.  I was a little afraid that I would make it thru the whole class.  I did though.  I kept up pretty well.  Turns out it was more of an advanced step class.  Still don't know what the hell a "U step" was.  My feet were so confused.  LOL.  Hoping to make this a part of my workout schedule every week.  Was told that Mondays were a little easier.  SO I will give mondays a shot.
- Sleeping a little better.  Still coming in spurts though due to this post nasal drip crap.  Woke up coughing today, but I think I slept 5 hours.  Slept almost 8 hours once this week. 
- Haven't been having to take naps everyday.  Not even on the days that I wake up at 5am, like today. 
- Started drinking protein shakes again, atleast one a day.  Still getting most of my protein from food though.
- My trainer up'd my workout a bit yesterday.  She said that I did great.  Boy, was I sweating a helluva lot more that I normally do with her.  Beads of sweat dripping off my face.  Felt so good though.   Getting in 2 sessions a week with her and doing one on my own.  This coming week though I will only have one with her.  So I will have to get motivated and do another one on my own.  I CAN DO IT! 
Here goes my biggest NSV!!!!!!
- I was confident enough to buy a dress for my sisters wedding (which she doesn't know I am attending). It was even a little out of my comfort zone too. Sleeveless dress with  White with hot pink flowers and some black accents and  with a hot pink mini jacket.  I have not been in a dress since my grandmothers funeral about 6 years ago.  Didn't even have one in my closest for special occasions.  This dress is brighter colors than I would normally wear (thanks to my sister saying "get something with color").  Is HOT PINK enough color AMY?  Also got these cute little shoes with a heel that is a little higher than I would normally wear.  Will post a picture from the wedding next weekend.

I have so much energy!  I feel great in spirits and physically (even the sore abdominal muscles from yesterdays workout session). I am feeling so much more confident.  Loving life so much!

Current WT: 293.4
Last weeks WT: 299
Weekly LOSS: 5.6 pounds
Monthly LOSS : 9 pounds

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