Getting better every day!

Mar 03, 2012

Thank you so much to all my OH friends for your words of encouragement! I was praying all night. I turned off my light at about 5:30 AM & I slept until 2 PM! Did you read that? I slept the sleep of the innocent for almost 8 straight hours! Didn't get up to pee, woke up a little to cough & hold my belly (LOL), dreamed a million dreams... Woke up feeling SO MUCH BETTER.

I took a shower! wooHOO! I don't like to admit this but I hadn't had a shower since the morning of my surgery. I did "clean up" (that's how one of my nurses referred to it, her name is Cyndi & she's from Kenya, I wanted her to come home with me) with those fabulous WARM huge wipes but that's not a shower. I needed to burn my hospital gown. I had permanent bedhead. SO NOT KIDDING. One of the nurses, Louise, said she loved my hairstyle! LOL! It wasn't a hairstyle, it was from my head being smashed down on the pillow for 4 days!

That hot water brought me back to life. Oh how wonderful it felt. I was thanking God out loud in the shower.

I took some Tylenol (regular strength crushed) & a Gas-X strip. Ate a tiny bit of applesauce (like 1 baby spoonful). Oh glory, I felt so much better.

One of my OH friends was talking about praying to the Lord to help me fart! OMG that was totally me last night. He knows our hearts & knows everything going on with us, so we don't need to be embarrassed with Him, right? Thank goodness, because I don't have the energy to be embarrassed in front of anyone right now! And my prayers were answered.

So my dear friend & her daughter (who is also my 19yo son's girl friend... notice I didn't say girlfrend; things are different now than they were when I was 19!) are coming over in about an hour. I am so happy they're coming!

Anyway I'm blathering on. Thank you so much for your kind words! One day at a time!

xo GG 

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About Me
Feb 01, 2012
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Leaving for the hospital 2/28/2012, 257 lbs.
Christmas Eve 2012, 150 lbs! Lost 107 lbs in less than 10 months!

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