Got my staples out today!

Mar 08, 2012

Today went great. I couldn't even feel the staples coming out. You wanna know how much weight I've lost?

Super-weary but a good day for me! Blood sugar is 127. Okay, I'll say it again: LUCKIEST WOMAN IN THE WORLD. Expect a miracle, The Secret says. Yep! I took off my binder night before last because it was itching me through my shirt. Felt fine without it. Hubs (otherwise known as my shadow) said, "Um, where is your binder? Aren't you supposed to wear that a long time?" I said, "It is so itchy I took it off. Don't worry." Went to the doctor without it. Nurse said, "Um, where is your binder?" Oops! I'm supposed to keep it on morning & night for 2 months! Oh well, itch schmitch.

She took out my staples & put surgical glue & steri-strips near & on my incision. She said it looked good. My blood pressure is a little high. I haven't been taking my meds since before my surgery. I had so many pills to take I just couldn't put one more in my mouth. She told me to stop taking the cholesterol meds! wooHOO!

Hubs drove me. Then we went to a diner. My first post-op restaurant! I ordered a scoop of tuna salad, a scoop of mashed potatoes, & a scrambled egg. I ate about half the egg, a tablespoon of the tuna, & 2 tiny bites of the potatoes. Tummy wasn't thrilled with the potatoes. I was stuffed. Seriously. Hubs got steak & eggs & hash browns & toast & coffee & jelly! LOL! A GG pre-op meal!

I get tired quickly. I learned that yesterday & today. When I got home from the doc & diner, I was exhausted. I sat down for 5 minutes. Then Hubs & I went for a walk (he took the rest of the day off) WITH my binder on, thank you. I did my 1/4 mile. I came home, got water, & trudged upstairs & lay in my wonderful bed!

I must tell you about another wonderful thing that's happened in my new life: I sponsored a child through ChildFund International. Research them; they have a glowing record. I did this 3 nights ago. I wasn't feeling bad. I just saw the opportunity, did the research, & signed up. What a FEELING when I saw my new foster daughter, Isha's face for the first time! I cried.

I also got all the literature on her today in the mailbox. I am so happy. I have NEVER felt a feeling like I do having sponsored her. I feel like my life has changed. I'm not going to be spending $$$ going out to eat. I'm going to cut back on pedis (took my polish off & cut my toenails tonight, don't ask me HOW with this incision but I had to). I applied for more jobs. I'm going to make a positive change in this little village called Freetown in Sierra Leone, Africa, a country where there is 1 doctor for every 90,000 people. Maybe I won't be so self-absorbed now.

I wrote a LONG letter to Isha. When I read it, I cried. It's funny how your truly feelings come out when you're writing to a child of 11. I'm going to send her a birthday present because her birthday is June 6. Sometimes it takes 8-12 weeks for a letter to get to your foster child. So good timing!

So it's been one week & 3 days since my surgery. Onward!

xo GG 



About Me
Feb 01, 2012
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Leaving for the hospital 2/28/2012, 257 lbs.
Christmas Eve 2012, 150 lbs! Lost 107 lbs in less than 10 months!

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