Small unfill

Jul 15, 2010

Well, yesterday I went to my surgeons office to request a small unfill due to the frequent stuck episodes I'd been having. He took out 1cc and I have another appointment in 2 weeks so if I want a little back in I can get it. Of course I'm on liquids and starting pureed, but I suspect this will help.

Now, about those stuck episodes. Many of them were probably of my own making. You see, I could loosen my band before meals by sipping hot tea.  However, I kept forgetting. Or, I'd take too large of bites because I wasn't paying attention, or forget to chew well, and oops! Stuck, either a short one or some really big ones resulting in vomiting.   Owwwwww! Needless to say I was beginning to spend 1/2 of the week on liquids from a stuck.  I will take this time while a little looser to be sure I am eating appropriately. I can't risk losing this band!

Here's the rub. Tonight I read a post on the main board from someone scheduled for a band in Aug. who wanted to know if she could keep taking her medication after surgery. Not  too unusual. But, her med is for ADD/ADHD. Well there really isn't a problem with that but a response to her post got me thinking.  I was diagnosed (just from symptoms) with ADD when I was about 55-56, when I started back in college and struggling with keeping my mind straight, getting easily sidetracked, and a poor short term memory. So, this other poster shared her recent diagnosis of ADHD with the first one. Se is a really fun, funny, gifted woman and her description of herself before she was started on meds was sooooo like me. She also had a band and expressed that for 2 years it has not worked for her, until she started the meds 2 weeks ago. She talked about her chaotic mind finally being calm enough to listen to her band and hear what it was telling her. She also talked about constant thinking about food/eating. That of course is pure torture.

That got me thinking. I have been thinking of trying to finish my nursing degree before I'm 75. However I haven't taken my ADD medication since I stopped going to school and my mind is really all over the place. That is OK at home because my family knows how air headed I am. Trying to take college classes at my age is tough enough, but with untreated ADD it is a nightmare. Maybe in order to accomplish my goal I will need to go back on the medication.  No, not that.

Then, I got to thinking, again. How much of the problem I've had adjusting to a band with restriction is worsened by my ADD? Hmmmm..........

The second poster said, in her opinion that if the first poster wanted to get a band she should NOT go off her medication. Hmmmmm....... Thinking again,(I'm gonna hurt myself doing that)!  Anyway with more thinking, (dang, not good for me)  I've decided to see my PCP and talk about going back on the meds.

It will help with the classes, for sure, but what if it helps me be able to eat correctly by calming my mind so I can focus on eating like a bandster should. Then I wouldn't have to worry about not being able to have enough restriction. Right? It is something to contemplate. (OMG! Not more of that! )  There is always so much talking in my head and so many voices to be heard (not like in schizophrenia) that it gets kind of loud sometimes. So, we'll see......
To be continued


About Me
Lake Odessa, MI
Surgery Date
Feb 13, 2010
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