6 Years out

Nov 08, 2010

Hello all

Yes on 10/28/10 I am six years post op.  I am still pleased that I had the surgery.  There are times...uhm lots of times where I wish I could have just one more bite of something. 

Funny thing is that 2 years ago I had to have a hysterectomy and managed my weight but this year I had to have my ovaries out so I have put on a good 20 pounds. I am still small but not happy with the extra weight.  I had complications after my last surgery that I am still working through.  I know once I can be more active again this wont even be an issue, but it is still hard to deal with. 

It is very hard, at least for me, to see that I am or was skinny.  Even at my smallest about a size 4 I still saw myself as fat. You could see my ribs and I still said I am fat.  It took a long time for it to sink in that I didn't have to shop in the plus size anymore.  I looked sickly at my smallest weight. I leveled out to about 6/8 and was happy with that. 

So my goal is to loose this post op weight and try to be positive about it as I know I can and I am not starting off with 100 plus pounds to go.  To be honest if I didn't have a closet full of clothes collecting dust I might not be so concerned, but I am not commiting to this 10/12.  I felt better when I was able to do more walking and such.

If I had any advice to give it would be do not let old habbits sneak back up on you  like soda and such.  You will only kick your butt twice as hard because of everything you went through to take off the weight and become more healthy.  I don't have any real medical problems from my rny.  I had a kidney stone shortly after my rny so drink your water they say it for a reason. 

I don't have a problem telling people that I had rny but after a while you do get sick of having to talk about it.  So I just tell people that I just stopped eating so much, lol.  TRUE RIGHT?!!!.  But I don't mind at all talking with someone who is thinking about doing it or has done it. People will have their own ideas about what is right and wrong and that is ok because what is right for me may not be right for you.  Someone who needs a heart transplant doesn't get slack for needing a transplant, so if you need help you need help and if you are able to take control by having surgery then that is ok. 

I would be happy to talk to anyone who would like to.  Feel free to reach out :)

Best of wishes where ever you are at 


About Me
Tulsa, OK
Surgery Date
Jan 24, 2004
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