Living life...

Jun 07, 2010

Well, I have been missing from OH for the past week or so. I have been really living life and enjoying it. I'll be honest I have the hardest time being comitted to an act for a long period of time. For example, I worked out 5 days last week, then something came up and I missed Friday. Saturday was my nephew's 6th birthday...pool party (yay) so I missed working out that day, Sunday (busy day with church) and then  came yesterday...Monday. Well I was lazy yesterday, I took Sierra to the park and we did walk a little but for the most part I was just lazy. I feel in the whole scheme of things being that way is ok but I have to make myself get up and get back on the horse (so to speak). Tonight I am going to work out after she goes to sleep. I enjoy the books that I read while I am working out and I feel so motivated afterwards. I am excited to do it tonight.

As for other things, all has been well. Sierra is potty training for the past week and she's doing so great! I am so proud of her. She's enjoying the nice weather and has been working on speaking more spanish lately. She will occasionally talk to the kids at the park in spanish, it helps that they can all switch back and forth with english and spanish. Our gardens are growing so nice now. I can't wait to reap the rewards of the hard work we have put in. It's been so nice here, 80's - 90's and I love it.

Foodwise, things have been ok...other than the past weekend. I have sabbotaged myself again on the weekend and even managed to gain a little. I have a goal to get through 1 weekend with out indulging in the bad food choices. I know I can do it. I know if I do it, then the scale will have a nice number on it. All too often it's easier said than done but I will be backing my words up with actions soon. This is my weekend to be on program and I will report on Tuesday with my results.

I still count my blessings and I know that through my faith in God that all things are possible. Take care everyone and talk to you soon.


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Jul 10, 2009
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