Day 3 of Post Op Diet

Mar 31, 2010

Well I feel I'm well on my way.

I finished the day yesterday with about 980 calories.  Today it still sucks but I'm not climbing the walls.  Maybe it's the body's way of conserving.  Maybe I'm just getting used to it.  I don't know why.

Thinking of food when I'm hungry isn't constant if I can stay busy.

I had one scoop of the Body Fortress Strawberry at breakfast time.  Another two at lunch, and one more just a little while ago. That puts me at 480 calories for the day and 104gm of protein.  So I've had my protein for the day.

I talked to the nurse at the Bariatric Center.  She told me why they as us to do this liquid diet.  Apparently there was a study done in Australia that showed that patients who went through the two week liquid protein shake diet of 1200 calories a day ended up having fewer band slippages and better success.  

So, I'm sucking it up. 

Yesterday I did have 3oz of tilapia and 2 cups of steamed broccoli.  (woohoo... 200 calories -- fat farm here I come).  Now the dietician only cleared me for 1/2 cup of steamed broccoli.  And here I am feeling guilty for a cup and a half of steamed rabbit food.

Yeah, this makes a whole lot of sense.  When did the world get turned upside down?

So I'm driving home from an appointment and WHAM.  Cramps.  What the hell I thought to myself.  I haven't had anything real to eat today.  Is this my body rebelling and telling me that I'm an idiot for having 1/3 the calories I'm used to in a day?  Is it saying that I must be on drugs or something?

So I get into the bathroom and WHOOSH..... liquid poop city.  It wasn't a pretty sound, sight or smell.  But I felt fine after that.  So what was it, I'm asking myself.  Was it that I had some solid food?  Was it that about 80% of the volume in my stomach (broccoli and protein shakes) was made up of a vegetable?

One other thing that I'm confused about -- I'm thirsty.  Like all the time.  I woke up last night and I just wanted to pound 20 oz of water but knew if I did I would be up half the night peeing.

Right now I just want a steak.  Since I'm not going to eat one, I'm going to go get some gas for the chain saw.  Maybe cutting up wood senselessly will make me feel better.

