Gotta start at the beginning...

Mar 02, 2011

I am currently 280 pounds... My biggest was 298 pounds. (I was 9 months pregnant!) I have everything that I have ever wanted... A loving husband, 4 beautiful kids, fantastic friends and supportive family. However. I can't seem to EVER get my weight below 245 pounds! I haven't always been big. In fact, I used to be in EXCELLENT shape before I had my son. I used to roller blade everywhere! I excercised pretty much every day, and had great self confidence and self esteem. I seem to have lost both of those things along the way. My weight gain pretty well started when I moved to England. Worst decision ever. But, I was in love, or at least thought I was. I had only been there for 2 months when I found out I was expecting. I lost that baby.... My now ex-husband was deployed to Bosnia the DAY AFTER I was released from the hospital. I had no family, no close friends, so I sunk into a deep depression. I never left my house, my curtains were always closed and I ate. I ate, and I ate and I ate. Finally,after about 5 months of depression, I decided to move back home. I didn't care about anything else. I just wanted to get home. Home to family. Home to friends. Home.

I have tried every fad diet out there, and I'll lose 30 to 40 pounds and then POOF, it's back. I just found out last year that I have hypo-thyroidism. I'm now on pills for the rest of my life. Why me? Ha. That's not nearly as bad as the TN....

I also have Trigeminal Neuralgia, a horrible, painful, saddening nerve disorder. It has affected so many different aspects of my life, including losing weight! Every time my heart rate goes up, the TN flares up and I have excruciating pain in my face. The best way to describe it would be... a cattle prod. That's right, a cattle prod. Imagine running on a tread mill, (if you can call what I do 'running' lol), and just as your heart rate goes up, ZZZZAP, you get poked in the face with a damn cattle prod. It's like searing, burning, stabbing, electric shock like pain in the side of my face. Now HOW is a girl to lose weight with that sh*t going on?! It's so painful that I would RATHER GIVE BIRTH. The worst thing about it? People don't believe me. It's not something that others can 'see', so I must be exaggerating, right? WRONG! So where do I go from here?

Well, I finally worked up the 'balls', to ask my GP about bariatric surgery. He agreed that it was a good idea for me, and has sent in a referral. Now, apparently, the wait is quite some time... But I'm patient. (Yeah. Right.) lol I joined this website to gain some insight as to what I can expect for the next few years. (Yup. Years... I'm realistic.) I didn't end up a walrus (insert sound effect here) overnight. Nor can I expect miracles to happen over night!

My goal is to be able to borrow my best friends clothes again... and to fit into my husbands boxers! (Those things are damn comfy!) One other goal, to actually LIKE having my picture taken again! I want my back to stop hurting and I want to be able to walk into a store, see something I like, and then PRAY TO GOD that they have it in 'plus size.' Plus size. Hmph. Don't get me started on that. (Do these designers think that all plus sized women carry their weight in their tummy?! What about us girls with ass for miles?) My favorite song? Baby got Back- Sir Mix-a-Lot. Secretly all people love that song.

Do I think that I could probably lose this weight on my own? Probably not. I need some help, and this website seems to be a great place to start!

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Mar 01, 2011
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