Getting Closer...

Apr 19, 2011

The closer I get to having a date, the more impatient I get... I had my last dietician appointment yesterday along with my education with the nurse.  She said they will probably deny me first since my insurance doesn't recognize the sleeve as a stand alone procedure so they will appeal and it will be a few weeks before I know what the deal is.  I just want a date.  An end in sight so I can get past this fear and anxiety and just get on with it already.  I know its a process, and in a way I am glad that it is, but geez.  Its testing my patience!  LOL 

I have to admit I left there yesterday feeling so overwhelmed though... There are so many things to remember.  I am impatient, but I am also extremely scared... What if I can't do this?  What if I mess up?  I don't want to hurt or vomit or have complications - what if this is a big mistake?  What if I get to the day and I chicken out??? What am I going to look like when its all said and done?  Will I be able to keep off the weight?  It literally makes my head spin but yet I can't stop thinking about it.  The only thing that is getting me through is reading other profiles, looking at other peoples success and hoping that I am doing the right thing. 

Ok, going to calm down... I hope the insurance stuff goes fast.  I think just having a date and end in sight will help - crossing my fingers!


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Blaine, MN
Jan 21, 2011
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