Then to now...

Jun 15, 2012

Happy I found this site. It will be nice to put my thoughts down in some-what of an organized fashion. I don't know if anyone will read this, but I know it will benefit me to write it!

Born overweight, no sure that counts, and it was all "upscale" from there. I can remember weighing 145lb in elementary school. Tipped 300lb after high school and topped out at 335lb in my mid twenties. So many stories of pain, hurt and failure twisted into those years described in the three above sentences. The past is not where I want to focus right now, I'm sure stories will come out as necessary. The future is where my eyes are fixed at this time. The possibilities, the doors that have been opened. Finally, I feel like I am ready for my life to start...well, restart. That will be a story told later I'm sure.

Currently 298lb! Wow, I have not been under 300lb since I was 18. That was 10 years ago. I bought my dad a gun for Father's Day and had to write my weight on the form. Instantly I started with the number 3, then, I had to scratch it out and write a 2. I floated out of the store on cloud nine. Full liquids is my current diet. Today I found V8/Campbell's soups that are delicious. The other crap I was eating is horrible. I strained the soup, put it in the microwave and it tasted as good as any steak. Also, went to the gym for the first time post op today. It felt amazing other than re-inflaming my chronic left foot pain. I'm so aggravated about that I don't even want to talk about it. Another aggravation, my JP drain site!! I had it taken out a day early because it was hurting so bad and formed this hardness all the way around it. It has been out since Monday, 4 days, and is still draining and not healed. At least it does not hurt like it did before.

I will end today with this... Thank You God!!! I am so thankful for this opportunity for life change, to come out of surgery without any complications and to have only had two episodes of nausea.


About Me
Surgery Date
Jun 15, 2012
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