6 Year Anniversary!

Feb 06, 2013

This year has been a challenge in many ways. As far as my eating habits I must say they have been CRAP. It's so easy to forget that you're supposed to stay away from the bad stuff, especially when you can eat it with no repercussions. At least, not at that moment. The repercussions of eating what you want and eating too much (because you've ceased listening to your body), is weight gain. I haven't gained alot, but enough that my clothes are tight. And it pisses me off. REALLY pisses me off. SOOOO, a couple weeks ago I started drinking my water again, trying to watch my portions, listening to my body. I'm still not doing great at these things, but I am trying and I'm steering away from the junk food. I also started doing more protein again, either the shakes or protein bars...trying to do that as a meal replacement daily but that's going to take getting used to again. What's weird is that I still have no hunger pangs...ever.  I crave various things but it's not hunger...I just eat because it's time. Stupid excuse to eat. Habits...they never really die, they just hibernate. Anyhow, I refuse to weigh more than a certain amount so I am determined to stay focused and lose that pesky 5 lbs I put on this year.  Funny isn't it? I'm worried about gaining 5 lbs. Guess we have to keep things in perspective. It's an awesome problem to only need to lose 5 or 10 lbs vs. 130.



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Ft. Walton Beach, FL
Surgery Date
Nov 16, 2006
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