Jaime Breckenridge

20 lb Panni gone & found/fixed large hernia

Nov 21, 2009

I had a very large hernia.  It was the size of baseball, actually larger cause a baseball would go through it without touching the sides.  They had to use some sort of mesh to patch the hole.  So the pain, unbelievable the first 12 hours.  That pain is even worse now, 2 1/2 days later, each time I have to cough.  It seems like I have to cough a lot lately.  I am also wearing these really cool looking leggings, designed to keeping me free of blood clots.  I also have two drains and I will be working on gathering more information and sounding more intelligent.  I am seeing double right now and I have spent 15 minutes, easily 15 minutes) going back and fixing mistakes.

I need to go for now but I do have a lot of pictures of the last few days, from my pre-op to just hours post-op to the actual wound.

Okay, I will talk to you later.


