7 days and 15 lbs down!

Sep 20, 2011

Well I am now 15 lbs lighter and in comparison to my goal that doesn't seem like much. But when I think about how long it had taken me in previous years to lose that much it makes me pretty darn happy. You can't really tell i've lost it by looking at me, but in my head I know I have so I feel better. Last night I came across my first little "red flag" as i like to call it, since having the surgery and i'm still not exactly sure what caused it. I am on the stage two of my diet now which is full liquids so now I can have things like the protein shakes, real runny mash potatoes, and certain soups. So last night I made myself some low-fat cream soup, it had less than 3 grms of sugar which I assumed to be ok since that's what my protein shakes have in them and I only ate about 1/2 a cup of it over a 30 min. time span. Well i'm not sure what happened but all the sudden i felt like vomiting. To me it felt like the soup wouldn't go down and was stuck sitting in my throat. I know this sounds gross but that is just how it felt. I was scared to let myself throw up not only because I was certain it was going to hurt but also because it has just been a full 7 days since my surgery and I haven't seen my doctor again yet and I have no clue if the staples in my stomach are fully healed and i'm not sure if vomiting or the straining would harm whats still trying to heal. So instead of allowing it to easily happen, I sat on the couch and forced myself calmly to sit there for about an hour until the feeling went away, then of course I got the freakin hiccups! Lol, which didn't feel that much better. Well needless to say that little red flag was enough to keep me from wanting any kind of soup today, lol. Woke up this morning feeling great however and the weather is beautiful here today so I think i'm going to open all the windows and doors and do some cleaning, then I might take my daughter outside to play some kick ball :)


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Aug 28, 2011
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