Day 19 on OH

Dec 19, 2010

I am still dealing with a financial situation, and it isn't getting better.  The stress this weekend has been immense.  I also have hit a roadblock with the surgery.  I had my clearance appt. w/the pulmonologist, and it went horrible!  First I arrived 15 minutes early for my appt.  They put me in the little exam room and no one came back for an hour and a half!  I was so mad!!!  So when doc finally did come in, he literally sat on his sink counter and was so unproffessional.  I was biting my tongue as I knew he holds the key to my surgery date being made.  So then after a very pointed and leading conversation he gets it in his head that I may have sleep apnea!  NO I DON'T!!!  I am overworked, stressed by life, and busy as hell w/3 kids and 2 jobs.  If I am tired, that is why!  And I feel like the only interuptions to my sleep at all are due to PAIN caused by obesity!  Knees, back, hip!  All things that will go away with surgery, as would sleep apnea if by some odd chance the dude is right!  I am so freaked out because now I have to wait for a sleep study, then for results.  All delaying my surgery date!!  I am scared that I won't be able to stay on track w/nutrition with all this stress and waiting!

I have been doing ok, not exceptional in my eating.  I do good with planned meals and being alone, but have had a couple of situations come up recently that have caused me to eat more than I should.  I also have not been tracking which is a clear sign that I am feeling down about this pulmonologist thing


About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 01, 2010
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