6 months Post Op Update

Nov 26, 2009

          Hi to all my friends and family on Obesity Help online support group.  It has been a long time since posting, but I thought having just passed my 6 month post surgical date on Nov 19Th it was time to post my updates.

Everything about my surgery was not just about weight loss but mostly about my health.  I have lost close to 60 lbs. and am back in a size 12 which my not seem like alot to some but I was 20 lbs less in weight when I last fit this size. 

Feeling wonderful because I have been able to go off of 3 of the 6 asthma meds I was on when I started this journey. I had been told by my pulmonary Doc that is I did not do this I might not be around in 5 yrs. Now I have only just turned 55 yrs young. And want to be around to see my daughter someday marry and my grand kids grow up as well. 

My cholesterol is lower then it has ever been which really excites me. Triglycerides are soooo low totally exciting because I was concerned about getting Diabetes like many of my family members have. Not a chance.

I have been going to Dr. Machado's support group and one thru the WOW support group in Roseville which has helped me to meet some nice folks post op and pre op.

I have not finished, I have 40 lbs to loose (Doc wants 50lbs but I feel that is to low for me). I realize out surgical tool of GBypass helps but now it is going to take more work because I am getting close to my goal. 

I have just stalled and I know it is because I have not been drinking my protein like I should (losing lots of hair good thing I have lots).  So I am determined to step up my protein drinking up to at least 60 gms a day and signing up for a gym near by to work on some of my body tightening area.

I can not be happier after the first 3-4 tough months dealing with food eating issues.  I had alot of trouble eating in the mornings. My lovely husband makes sure I get my cottage cheese of an egg when I wake up. He has gone to two support groups and stopped eating sugar and white flour, lost 10 lbs dropped his waist down to a 34 inch pant again. He was pre diabetic and is not now.

How wonderful that he and I  (our little family ) can get so much out of my weight loss surgery. So all is well with me and my family.  I want to wish all of you out there a wonderful  Thanksgiving Dinner wither you can eat it or not.  I know I am sticking with turkey mostly.. Protein, protein, and more protein.

Blessing to all,

