July 26, 2010

Jul 26, 2010

So this weekend was crazy! My 15 yr old brother from FL was here for the weekend, and my 9 yr old cousin had his bday party, PLUS my daughter turned 3 on Friday & we had her party on Sunday. You would think I would have lost about 30 lbs the way I ran around lol!
The weekend was wonderful and Tuesday morning I go for my psych eval at Harbors in Toledo, OH. Hope I'm not nuts, lol, not really nervous about it, just curious about what they might ask.
So now, I'm doing my diet journal from the dietician, and doing the psych eval. Have to call Kristie at Dr. Whites office tomorrow to see if they got my 5 yr. weight history. Then after that its a waiting game. HOPING FOR A DATE SOON!!!!

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