First Step

Dec 14, 2010

So I took the first step today and went to a seminar at the Weight Wise Bariatric Clinic in Edmond, OK.  I have been over-weight pretty much since hitting puberty and have always hated the way I look.  Last year I had to have knee surgery and was told that if I didn't lose weight; surgery on the other knee was likely to follow.  So, I tried doing the HCG injections but found the list of foods I could eat too limiting.  I have to have variety and tend to wander if I am subjected to eating the same thing for every meal day after day.  I have done Weight Watchers in the past, tried dieting on my own and lots of other attempts to lose the weight I have been carrying around for years.  Even though I have been over-weight for more than half of my life I have never really seen myself as fat, well until this past year.  I am finally seeing myself as other people probably see me - morbidly obese.  I look down at my arms and for the first time I see them as they really are.  I look in the mirror or at pictures (the ones I can't stop other people from taking) and see this person I don't recognize.  Something has got to change - something needs to be different because if I continue down this path I am likely to kill myself, whether it's by heart attack or my own hand.  So, I see the doctor next week for my first appointment and all I can do is pray that, #1 I can pay for this and #2 that it will change my life forever.


About Me
Surgery Date
Dec 14, 2010
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