Hoops of Fire

Apr 02, 2013

This has been one roller coaster ride of a journey. We all know the hoops of fire that need to jumped through. It really has been a struggle for me. First I lost insurance coverage then I got it back. Finally got an appt with the surgeon's office after months of waiting. The to do list of tests and psych evals has been completed. I've lost the required amount of weight in the pre-op phase times two. When all the paperwork was completed, I assumed it was sent to the insurance company. Long story short, it was not. It was lost in the shuffle. When it was finally submitted I got the dreaded news of a denial. That was devestating. I appealled and in record time I got the call that my appeal was successful. Yea! Then I get the date of my RNY. It's July 1, 2013. Sooooo far away. I can't wrap my head around it or even get excited. I was expecting sometime in April, not July for goodness sake. How can I fill the time from now til then? 



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About Me
Surgery Date
Feb 11, 2013
Member Since
