Nov 19 2011

Nov 19, 2011

Been awhile since I wrote in here, and that's my fault. It has been crazy at work and I haven't felt much like poking around the Internet...and then the whole Penn State scandal...just needed a break from reading about it and debating people on Facebook. I don't understand how anyone could take the position that my degree is now worthless just because of what happened. *I* didn't do any of that... *I'm* not implicated. Jeez louise...because my alma mater is facing major heat, I all of a sudden shouldn't be qualified to do my job? Oi...

Anyway... Monday (11/21) is my appointment with the surgeon - 6 week follow up. I haven't been on a scale, I don't want to be on a scale until then. I'm ending my TOM so I am sure I'm retaining a bit, but I'm just sticking with my healthy eating and water and exercise and keepin' on keepin' on. 

Last night, though, was a break from the routine. We had a Martini Night at our favorite martini hangout, bartended by a coworker. It was a celebration/bonding experience...grieving lost relatives, lost pets, lost innocence... but for me, inside, I wasn't really grieving, I was celebrating my last 'bar night' that will include alcohol for the foreseeable future.  I was aware of that, and one of my friends who knows of the surgery was with me, and we talked a bit about it....but my goodness was it a wonderful night, without even getting too drunk! I had 3 martinis in the course of almost 4 hours, which is probably about 2 under what I could usually down...and then have a couple of sodas/waters for another hour or two while I clear my head! I selected the chicken chimichanga for dinner. Oh my, the best I've had. It was STUFFED with chicken and there was avocado, cucumbers, tomatoes, and corn served as a side. It was so deliciously refreshing!! I also had a cup of crab bisque - absolutely delectable. My martini selection - lemon drop (perfection), grape cosmo (tasted like a grape popsicle!) and I ended with something sweet - White chocolatini. I felt satisfied, but not over stuffed (or over tipsy!). No hangover this morning, either. 

I have been debating dying my hair today, I'm not happy with the brassy red that's starting to peek out. I want to make it darker. I'm supposed to have a hair appointment next month, I just want the bangs trimmed, though, before surgery. I'm not sure if i want my hair longer or shorter in case I do start losing some post-op. We'll see. 

Hard to believe Thanksgiving is next week. I may run to the grocery store. I'm in charge of the cranberry sauce (I always make a double batch because the cranberries are 2/$4 and so delicious!) and I've been requested to make a cake as well. I got 2 tart pans from Pampered Chef this summer, so I may attempt a fancy schmancy cake - layered and all. Thanksgiving will be a challenge for eating. I need to remember that peas count as a carb, not a veggie...we don't have a 'true' veggie now unless sweet potatos count (need to look that up). Ready for my 'deck of card' sized white meat turkey slice, my scoop of stuffing, my scoop of peas, my sweet potato, and my cranberry sauce. If I am still hungry, I will add more turkey, not stuffing. Dessert, a small slice of cake. Gram is making pineapple upside down cake, which I don't like. That'll be easy to stay away from. Note that I left mashed potatoes and gravy off my menu. Mashed potatoes aren't my fave, and if I'm going to have potatoes, I'd rather the sweet ones. I just looked up that sweet potatoes are a carb. Might ask Mom to make carrots instead of peas this year.

It's always a running joke how quickly we eat Thanksgiving dinner. I'm making a concentrated effort to eat slowwwwwwwwwwly this year. Not slipping back to that habit.

I guess if I'm going to go to Wegmans I should grab a shower and maybe leave the hair dye for tomorrow. Gotta be home before the game in 90 minutes.  


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