December 6, 2011

Dec 06, 2011

Hey, I got the right date on this one! :) 

So tomorrow starts the pre-op liquid diet. Believe it or not, I have been looking forward to it. For one thing, no cooking for about a month (OMG WOOHOO!). I stocked up on everything that's on my "good to eat/drink" list. I'm even trying Cream of Wheat for the first time for dinner tomorrow. Funny things have been happening as I prep for this:

1) I have found I've savored my food more the last 3-4 days...kind of like I knew this was my last time having solid food for awhile. I had thought I'd have had a total loss of willpower and just pig out like crazy, but I didn't. Even at dinner tonight, I felt myself getting full, and rather than shove in the last 10 shrimp, I sent them home with my aunt for my grandmother or her for lunch tomorrow. 

2) Related to the above, i've noticed a huge difference between head hunger and mouth hunger (not even worried about stomach hunger, but I've been paying better attention). A few times this past week, I've eaten something that I ordered because it sounded good...and it just wasn't as good as I expected. Example: Today our meal came with a free dessert, so I got triple chocolate brownie. It was good, don't get me wrong...but I wasn't ready to lick my plate clean of every bit of chocolate. I am a certified sweet-o-holic, so that is very unusual for me!

3) I'm looking forward to soup. I hate broth in the worst way, but I'm going to add protein powder and see if I like it better. I even have the low sodium stuff. 

4) I've been having dreams like crazy! Last night I dreamed I had surgery and my entire building came in to visit me in the hospital, they brought a cake and balloons (I know, but I didn't have any of it. I remember in the dream someone said "Oh you're so skinny now." but curse my stupid brain, there was no mirror in the dream for me to "see" myself. 

5) My bowel movements are way more frequent. I've even had to pee during the work day! Got to plan those breaks better, I'm not used to that!

6) I was so proud of myself for about 45 minutes today. I was at the store and saw these little water bottles that were 8oz...thought, great I can make my protein shakes in these and have the perfect serving size. What I did NOT notice was that the bottles were 'child proofed' - you can't take the top off. Oh well, I have 8 oz- bottles of water. Most expensive day's supply of water EVER. ;)

i am exhausted, but that's from the work day. I'm so ready to start this liquid diet. I expect this week to be easy but the weekend to be tough, because of the holiday party. I'll make it through, though! I'm excited to see how much, if any, weight I lose on this 2 week diet.  


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