I'm Obsessed!

Nov 25, 2012

     With what I am going to look like and how I am going to feel. Will my life change so drastically that my family and friends can't keep up? Will I be able to keep up? I day dream of different scenarios that are kind of jumbled in my mind. I see a skinny version of me, but it doesn't seem to be me. This waiting game is torture! I know I have to be thinking way too much!

     Some goals that I am constantly thinking about and hoping for:

Finally stopping the constant over working and pushing limits to show that I can work as hard if not harder than anyone one else that is more fit than I am

Stopping the silent moaning and groaning after the hard days work and be relieved of pain

Changing the attitude that I know that I exude towards others that I think have things so much better than me

Loving myself first and not being afraid to share that love with my family and friends

Feeling I am worth a nice compliment

Dressing a little more feminine and setting aside the jeans and t-shirts of my grunge teenage years

Getting back into the hobbies I was once passionate about before all my focus went towards drowning in my weight.

Start my art projects rather than just saying I would like to

     These are only half the goals that have been bouncing around my brain, but not dissolved.

I also found an ultimate goal celebration (not including food which is a feat in of itself)


This is for me to get out of my head and to acquire some of the confidence and classic beauty that anyone should deserve.

Super Excited! Now back to worrying.

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