10 month out

Apr 22, 2011

I look back at my blogs and try to remember how I really felt. it is funny but I read where I couldn't wait for my first 100lbs gone and here I am today at 172lb wt loss and only 90 to go. My DS was on the 21 of July. how every I had Penni's surgery on the 21 of April.  I have had a few set back with 2 other surgeries.  High temps that put me in the hospital. and needed Nursing care for a while. But Today I am going back to work. walking like I did when I was 20.  Was Ordained as a Pastor.  Going on the complete my Bachelors degree in Christian Counseling, and Ministry. I sit on the Advisory board for Beriatrics at Methodist Hospital in Omaha, Holding wt loss meetings in our Church.  Running a sewing business. and doing my own house work. I can climb into my husband pick up and walk steps.  Life is great. I am teaching 2nd and 3rd graders in Church and writing my own materials.  Able to walk with ,my dog and keep up.  God has been so faithful in keeping His promise that He will never leave me or forsake me.  He has blessed me beyond what I could think.  I am going through cloth that are given me faster than what they are given to me. My doctor kids me about my cloths falling off of me. each time he sees me he tells me he sees a new Marvelle. and My Pastors wife tells me they are enjoying watching me melt away into a new person.
I am so thankful for the great support of my family. my church, and Dr Anthones staff. Also the new job that is Christ Centered. and finally reaching a child hood dream of becoming a Pastor.
If you are thinking about surgery. Go for it. It will help you in many ways.  God Bless you all
Pastor Marvelle Whitley


About Me
Stromsburg, NE
Surgery Date
May 28, 2010
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