Why I did this?

May 03, 2010

Lose weight is not a mysterious process

In spite of what it feels like to lose weight is not a mysterious process. 
It's just a matter of burning more calories than you eat. But if it were really that simple, none of us would have a weight problem, we would be? 

We need to do something
Weight loss, such a fight that we start, we need to do something, see dramatic results - promise diets, pills or fitness gadgets on these strange commercials, the immediate success. 

Make small changes every day
The real secret of weight loss is: Make small changes every day and you will slowly (but surely) lose those extra pounds. 
The key is to forget about immediate results and long in the view.

Best Regards,

p.s. Thank you for supporting me,
My Best Friend with Strange name Fotogrāfs from photographer community Photo.net


About Me
May 03, 2010
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