Thirsty Thursday Sweet Potato Queen's 2010

Mar 29, 2010

Here's the first installment (by popular demand) of the Sweet Potato Queens pics.  This is Thirsty Thursday -- the first evening when everyone arrives and gets checked in then gets checked out at the Hilton Lounge!  I broke dress code AGAIN, cuz I herd about as well as a cat, donchaknow!

ttgickr.gif picture by leaannjohnson 

They put a stripper pole in the middle of the lounge with which to entertain ourselves......

Ms. PPPants really got down, as did Anna...........

ttgickr2.gif picture by leaannjohnson 

And Goodkel even when she's still recuperating from surgery to remove a brain tumor just a month ago.....   tt6.jpg picture by leaannjohnson  I'm thinking SOME people might have embellished the boobages a bit!!

Then BabyCatcher takes the stage.....Yeh, I can see why some people hate her.  I hate her, too!

ttbcpolegickr.gif picture by leaannjohnson  ttbcpolegickr2.gif picture by leaannjohnson

Anyhow, herding cats....yup..........

tt9.jpg picture by leaannjohnson 


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Huntsville, AL
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Oct 19, 2003
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