Day 1 of 30 Day Shred

Oct 11, 2010

OMG!!!!! Should sum it up....I barely made it through. After the first 4 minutes my body was shaking so bad!! This DVD will definately deliver. But I have to master level 1. It was very hard for me, but I kept moving. If Jillian was here in front of me she would've been yelling at me big time! She's no joke, man! But I will be up tomorrow to do it all again. I'm so out of shape! I may have lost 71 lbs and can leave the meds behind, but it doesn't change the fact that I can't keep up with a workout. I can't even imagine doing this 71 lbs heavier! OMG! I give it to the people on the Biggest Loser. This is not easy and it was just 20 minutes! Imagine all day working out like this! I WILL MASTER LEVEL 1! Even if it takes me the 30 days to do so. THEN I will spend the next 30 days mastering level 2. I hope everyone has a good day!

