Updates...Exercise and post-op appointment.

Oct 18, 2010

Ok, So I couldn't handle Jillian. Not right now anyways. I've been battleing these damn headaches. I was told that it's probably a sinus infection that I keep trying to get rid of. It's so annoying! But I will start up something else in the mean time. I went to my post-op appointment. The only concern was that I need more Vitamin D. My calcium is ok, but I could use a little more. But other than that, I had lost 70 lbs since surgery and I feel great. I just need to stay on top of this Vitamin D thing. The one big problem that I do have is constipation. This week has been bad, but I also did go back and tried string cheese....I think I had too much and now I have this problem. Geez! I can't win! LOL!

