This is what we signed for (re-post)

Nov 23, 2010

I saw this at a forum that a friend posted and I totally agree with it. I wanted to share it with the rest of you! Thanks, NIKKI!

*****free armor? Check.
  Flame retardant panties? Check.   Peanut butter re-load? Check.
Mkay! So Andrea U. made a point in a thread some time ago that I felt could benefit from wider distribution. Mostly because it made me take pause, being the self proclaimed Queen of the “why can’t I’s?”

That and the fact that some of the advice I’ve given the last few days has run along the lines of this very simple and effective statement.
  For everything you don’t like, can’t stand, “don’t-know-how-much-longer-I-can-do-this,” and “hey is it ok to cheat?” remember this:   This life. This lifestyle. This way of eating. This way of moving your body. This method of taking care of yourself with the proper amounts of water, vitamins and protein.
This is what you signed up for.
  And more than that, you jumped through a good many hoops TO sign up for it. So it is hard, yes. And this is a great place to vent that—and please do. We all benefit from sharing our experiences. But I thought I’d send out that reminder more to motivate you to personal action.   So you hate all protein supplements and can’t bear to try yet another one? This is what you signed up for! Go try again! It’s important. You’re important. You can do this. It’s hard but we can do hard things (note: deposit five cents into the “we love Shari” fund…).   So you can’t stand exercise, don’t want to walk and really just like to watch tv? Increased activity is what you signed up for! Find something you like to do, or at least don’t hate, and do it! It’s important. You’re important. You can do this. It’s hard but we can do hard things.   So you say you hate taking pills and just can’t remember to take your vitamins? Taking vitamins for life is what you signed up for! Find a way to remember (set reminders on your calendar, your phone or check out! Then do it! It’s important. You’re important. You can do this. It’s hard but we can do hard things.   Do you get where I’m going with this? It’s ok to feel frustrated. And it’s 100% ok to vent here (so please…all the “don’t tell me what to post…” people. That is not my message here). But in the end it all comes down to YOU. What YOU do. Not what you post that you’ll do, not what you post that you DID, but what you actually do.   This is what we signed up for. And we have to do it. So do it!

