Getting better and so thankful for all my friends & family! &#9

Apr 13, 2011

I went to specialist for my tooth and he says that it's not a complete emergency. I have time to get it done. I'm not in danger of losing the tooth and it is not a candidate to be puled. AMEN! He was a sweet and funny doc, but I got upset when he said the headaches weren't because of the infection...he said that it was my sinuses and so to prevent myself from arguing with him I agreed and left a little pissed off. I finally figure this out and this man just peed all over my parade! WTF!  I know what it feels like and see a HUGE difference since I have been taking the amoxicillin. I have had an actual, NORMAL headache and it was such a relief! No facial pain! For once! WOW! He did agree that the infection was pretty bad and that my body has been fighting it for a while. Most of the time my body could fight it and that I would never have known it. But since my RNY my defences have been down. I had a bad sinus infection and then the ovarian cysts that required surgery and then that bad Topomax incident which sent me to the ER! So I keep my medic alert updated and very detailed. I'd hate for anyone to not know any important details. I have to do it for my own safety and I feel very proud to be on top of my medical information. We hoped that we would find what was wrong and feared the worst...a tumor. I thank God that, that was NOT the case. My jaw is very sore and think that I may need another week of amoxicillin, but I would so rather be dopey for another week than give this infection a reason to stay around and give me more headaches. So I am still alive I am getting stronger day by day and I can't wait to get in a Jillian workout! I can't wait. I'm so happy to be here and getting better. AMEN! Thank you to everyone for all your prayers and constantly checking on me. My memory is improving. I'm still a little slow because of the anribiotic and the pain medicine, but I'm not in a complete 'fog'.

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