So that's what a hypoglycemic fit feels like!?

Apr 23, 2011

Yesterday I went for a little walk to get a sandwich from Subway and I started having a hypoglycemic fit. I got really dizzy, sweaty and just plain yucky. So I went to pay for my food and saw cookies. So I got 2 peanut butter and 1 oatmeal raisin and sat down. By this time I feel like I'm ready to pass out and my hands were shaking really bad. I stuffed the cookies in my mouth and it took me a while to calm down. It came on pretty fast and it scared me. I was walking by myself and didn't have my cell phone on me. I never leave my house without my cell. SO I walked back slowly from Subway and when I got home I felt so awful. This attack was something far worse than I have ever experienced. I remember almost passing out in Walmart, but this time it was different. I guess now that I don't have the headache and facial pain I'm now able to feel the full effects of a hypoglycemic episode. Today I felt a little like I did yesterday, drained and now my tummy hurts. It feels like I can't fit anything into my pouch, but I am soooo hungry. I'm kinda glad I was able to feel what one felt like, but upset that I let it happen. I went all afternoon without eating and now I just feel like caca! I just thank God I don't have a headache.

But on a very good note....I went into a storecalled Rainbow and was able to purchase a medium size top! It fits great and I didn't have to shop on the 'big girl's' side of the store. There were no  'Xs' on any of the items I bought. I did find bras for $5 and they helped make me look like I have boobs again! My husband liked the way they looked and that I was smiling again. So even though I had an 'episode' I discovered all the great things that are ahead of shopping! I hope everyone has a great Easter!

