I'm still here...and I'm ok

Dec 26, 2011

There is so much I have to update you all on. I have been having a difficult time since the last time I was on. My facial nerve is still a pain in my face and other body parts, but I'm doing ok. I have so much to tell you, but this will take some time. I have had plenty of emails wondering if I am ok annd I thank you all for your concern. I did go to Stanford and had great success with the Specialist there. I have had 2 surgeries to get rid of this pain nad I am still healing from the last one because of a bad infection. This school semester was a total bust, but I had such bad health issues that it couldn't be helped. My professors were awesome and very understanding, but i fell short and have one more chance to make it right with a grade change attempt in January. This is the short version of everything, but I will go into detail later. I just wanted to let you guys know that I recieved your emails and comments and thank you so much for checking up on me.

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